
CSE is at the forefront in projects that combine sports, technology, and innovation to address the challenges posed e.g. by sedentary and passive lifestyles. Among our notable contributions is our involvement in the I3-INSHAPE project—an international EU-funded initiative focused on sport and technology innovations aimed at combatting the health issues associated with increasingly inactive lifestyles.

I3-INSHAPE, Innovation ecosystem for Healthy Active People in Europe

CSE is one of the five flagship companies on an international EU funded project specialized on sport and technology innovations for solving the problems caused by sedentary and passive lifestyle. It’s coordinated by Cluster Sports & Technology in Netherlands, SMEs, and the partners are from regions from Belgium, Finland, Hungary, and Spain.

The project supports mature SME-led innovations in the commercialisation and scale-up phases to capture opportunities in this fast-growing global market. As such with I3-INSHAPE we contribute to solving the problem of increasingly inactive lifestyles across the general population, recognised as a major cause of increased levels of chronic and endemic diseases across the population (diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer and cancer). Kajaani University of Applied Sciences and the University of Jyväskylä (Vuotech) are local partners in the project.


  • Cluster Sports and Technology – CST (NL)
  • IMEC (NL)
  • InnoBeweegLab (NL)
  • European Platform for Sport Innovation – EPSI (BE)
  • LAB University of Applied Sciences (FI)
  • LADEC (FI)
  • University of Jyväskylä (FI)
  • Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (FI)
  • Lapland University of Applied Sciences – LUAS (FI)
  • MSE Cluster Ltd (HU)
  • Universidad Europea de Valencia – UEV (ES)
  • 4ivlcesport (ES)


  • ViNotions (NL)
  • CSE Entertainment (FI)
  • Comeback Center (FI)
  • Blautic Designs, SL (ES)

DIRECT, for fitness games in rehabilitation of children and young people

Co-innovation of digital rehabilitation in the global marketplace (DIRECT) started in the beginning of 2022 and will run for three years.

The overall aim of the project is to create new business opportunities globally through evidence-based practice in use of digital-first rehabilitation in different service and cultural contexts. JAMK University of Applied Sciences is a leader, and CSE and Physiotools are partners on this Business Finland financed project.

CSE aims with the help of research and project pilots to learn more about the effectiveness of its products as part of the rehabilitation of children and young people.